Islamic University of Ghana

Islamic University of Ghana

10 - 100 Employees

Islamic University of Ghana

10 - 100 Employees
Islamic University of Ghana

THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GHANA (IUCG) was established in september 2000 by Ahlul-Bait Foundation, a semi Non-Governmental Agency of the Islamic Republic of IRAN. This Foundation was running a number of cultural, religious and educational Institutions in both Iran and several countries worldwide. The Ahlul-Bait Foundation has been in Ghana since early1980s and has undertaken a number of projects in health, agriculture and education in support of some poor and deprived communities in the country.

The Ahlul-Bait Foundation decided to establish the Islamic University College, Ghana, when Ghana Government policy was changed in 1997 to allow for private participation in tertiary-education delivery in Ghana. Land on which the present campus is sited at Adjiringanor/East Legon in Accra had earlier been acquired in 1995, and was subsequently re-allocated for the establishment of the University College. One cardinal objective is to encourage secular education, especially at the tertiary level, among Muslim as well as deprived and marginalized communities in Ghana. The IUCG is also dedicated to serving the West African sub-region.

In the year 2007, the educational wing of the Ahlul-Bait Foundation was reconstituted, with the Iranian institutions merged into one University — Al- Mustafa International University (MIU), with its main campus in the city of Qom in the Islamic Republic of IRAN. The MIU was given the responsibility of supervising the over-50 Universities and Seminaries in the other countries worldwide; IUCG in GHANA is one of such Universities.

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Islamic University of Ghana